Ledger Getting Ledger Live on your smartphone
Ledger Nano X Securely start your crypto journey. Secure, grow your crypto and manage your NFTs with our new Bluetooth-enabled hardware wallet. Color: Onyx Black ledger.com start…
Last updated
Ledger Nano X Securely start your crypto journey. Secure, grow your crypto and manage your NFTs with our new Bluetooth-enabled hardware wallet. Color: Onyx Black ledger.com start…
Last updated
Getting Ledger Live on your smartphone is easy. Simply select your platform below: Android. iOS. Or open ledger.com/live in your phone's web browser and tap Download. Once you've downloaded the The Ledger Nano X is a bluetooth enabled secure device that stores your private keys and offers an easy-to-use experience for crypto owners. ... Ledger Nano X Securely start your crypto journey. Secure, grow your crypto and manage your NFTs with our new Bluetooth-enabled hardware wallet. Color: Onyx Black ledger.com start…